Moving can be stressful. Moving with a pet can be even more difficult. Making a checklist to move can include setting up the movers, getting the utilities transferred, etc. But did you make plans for your pets?
Avoid stressing out your pet. Try to start packing early. This helps your pet, especially cats and dogs, get used to having these items around such as boxes. Bringing too many boxes into their environment at one time could stress them out. The more your schedule changes the more stress they can feel. Try to avoid changing your routine too quickly. Feed, walk, bath, your pet as close to the same days and times as normal.
On moving day when everyone is busy loading up boxes into the trucks what is your pet doing? Make sure there is a safe and comfortable area for them to be. This helps not only safety for the animal but can reduce anxiety. If this is not an option at home during moving, you may want to consider a pet daycare or sitter for the day.
Setting up the new home for your pet is very important. Most pets have only had one home/environment their whole life so an unfamiliar place can feel scary. Go in prior to your pet and set up a spot for them that resembles their old spot. Bring familiar bedding and toys inside and get their scent inside the home. If your pet needs to go outside to use the bathroom or play, walk around the area. While walking the area look for any unsafe objects or unsafe ways for them to get lost.
No matter if the new home is near or far you will have to travel with your pet. Set up an area in your vehicle that is safe for the ride. Start off with small rides prior to the move to help your pet get used to the vehicle and how it feels to be in motion. For longer moving trips, map out a few rest places you can let your pet out to use the bathroom and get out energy If needed. When planning stops try to keep in mind if possible, to stick to their feeding schedule as close as possible.
Once you are in the new home with your pet allow them to discover. Allow them to take the lead in getting to know their new environment. Once they have looked around and start to settle down you can then show them their area. If you have a cat or dog you may want to show them where their food bowls are placed and their bed.
Planning and being prepared will help both you and your pet in the moving process.
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