The kitchen. The place where magic or mayhem can happen. I'm not a chef but I've picked up a few tricks over the years. I know this is a real estate blog but the kitchen is in a home and a home is real estate, thus I'm going to talk about it!
Let's talk about heat. It's something I see people get wrong again and again. In general, you want your heat to be medium or less. Emphasis on less! The only time I go higher is when I'm trying to sear meat.
Too high of heat will result in burned or charred exterior and a raw interior. Take your time. Steak is the only time I favor a higher heat because I am trying to achieve a golden brown crust and pink/red interior.
Let's run a scenario. You grab a pan and get it on the heat. Start at medium and give it 5 mins to warm the pan properly. Once you add your food to the pan, pay attention to how it's cooking. Turn the heat down by half if needed (cooking too fast). If needed pull your pan off the heat. For example, when cooking eggs you should pull your pan off the heat from time to time. Cooking eggs too fast will cause them to become firmer and rubbery. Not what you're looking for. Slow down!
So remember. In the kitchen, slow down! Put on some music, pour a glass of wine or two and take your time.
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