Problem Solving

“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Albert Einstein

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Moving with a pet

Moving can be stressful. Moving with a pet can be even more difficult. Making a checklist to move can include setting up the movers, getting the utilities transferred, etc. But did you make plans for your pets?

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The Kitchen

The kitchen. The place where magic or mayhem can happen. I'm not a chef but I've picked up a few tricks over the years. I know this is a real estate blog but the kitchen is in a home and a home is real estate, thus I'm going to talk about it!

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What does it mean to be #1

Everywhere I go I see billboards for different professions. All claiming that they are number 1 in their industry. After a while it starts to feel like the only people that are number 1 are the ones who say it the loudest. 

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Will a market crash hurt or help?

I hear from clients all of the time that the market is going to crash so I'm going to wait to buy. I have one client who has said that since 2018. He missed out on lower prices in 2018, lower interest rates in 2020/2021 and now he's faced with higher interest rates and higher prices. 

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A New Year

A new year. At the beginning of the year we all have ideas of what we want to accomplish for the year. It's a fresh start and gives us a moment to think about ourselves. What do we want? Where do we want to be? How can we reinvent ourselves? How can we improve our situation? There's even this faint, almost, subconscious feeling or desire to do something big. Most of the time it's just an urge with no attachment to an idea, plan or structure. That's where most of us stop. Take the most popular new year's resolution: losing weight. We come into the start of the year with visions of being the next top model but within weeks we fail or quit, Usually, it's because it was just an urge. A desire with no direction. 

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